Snow-covered taiga forest in Finland.
Credit: David Allemand / Nature Picture LibraryBoreal Forests
Stop logging, extracting, and poisoning the land, species, and waters of the world’s most carbon-dense forests. Instead, protect and regenerate the primary forest with indigenous leadership front and center.
Stretching across 1.5 billion acres of the Northern Hemisphere—from Canada to Scandinavia to Russia (the Taiga) to Japan—the Boreal forests are the most carbon-dense forest systems on Earth. They are home to hundreds of Indigenous communities, centuries-old conifers, mossy peatlands, and large caribou herds. However, industrial activities such as oil and gas extraction, mining, and logging are destroying these ancient forests. Oil companies are clearing forests and spewing toxins for large construction and mining projects such as the Athabasca Tar Sands Project in Alberta, Canada. Producers such as Procter & Gamble and Georgia-Pacific are converting virgin fiber into deluxe, plush toilet paper. The boreal forest is being scraped, polluted, and destroyed in ways that will require hundreds, if not thousands, of years to recover. Protecting and regenerating the remaining less than one-third of primary forest is imperative, and supporting First Nations and Indigenous leaders who are taking the helm of conservation and protection efforts is crucial.
Action Items
Learn more about Boreal forests and why it’s important to protect them. Key points to learn about Boreal forests are:
- They host numerous endangered species such as the wolverine, the grizzly bear, the whooping crane, and the woodland caribou. The Government of Canada maintains a site with updated boreal forest research.
- They hold 1,140 billion tons of carbon in soil and biomass, 50 percent more than what is in the atmosphere.
- They are home to hundreds of First Nations communities, including the First Nations of the Waswanipi Cree, the Moose Cree, the Atikamekw, and the Łutsel K’e Dene. Over seventy Indigenous communities have launched Indigenous Guardians programs to help manage the Boreal forests. Their work encompasses a wide variety of projects, including reforestation, wildlife conservation, ecotourism, and the creation of national parks.
- Industrial activities such as oil and gas extraction, mining, and logging are posing long-term implications on the future health of Boreal forests. The footprint of natural resource extraction industries in the Boreal encompasses an area of over 180 million acres.
- The “tree-to-toilet” pipeline is a term used to describe luxury toilet paper production, such as the kind carried out by Procter & Gamble, Kimberly-Clarke, and Georgia-Pacific. These companies rely on virgin fiber to produce their paper, claiming more than a million acres of virgin Boreal forest every year.
- Some toilet paper producers defend themselves by arguing they “cut one and plant one.” However, the old-growth trees being cut contain greater amounts of carbon than newly planted trees will capture in forty years.
- You can also take online courses such as the Boreal Forest and Wildlife Management Course or Tundra & Boreal Forest to learn more about Boreal forests and how to manage them.
- Climate change is warming Canada's boreal forest, bringing greater risk of fire and disease, turning some of it into prairie, and shifting it northward toward the Arctic.
Prevent further oil and mining projects. Alongside industrial logging, oil and mining activities are among the most damaging to the Boreal forests. There are several actions you can take to help stop the expansion of the tar sands and open-pit mining projects:
- Sign the petition to Stop Open-Pit Mining from happening around the Canadian Rockies.
- Donate to MiningWatch Canada, an organization aiming to change the laws and policies that enable destructive mining practices.
- Sovereign Indigenous nations have joined forces to develop a Treaty Alliance Against Tar Sands Expansion. You can help them uphold the treaty by getting involved or contacting the alliance.
- Heavily engaged in protecting Boreal forests, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has called on the Biden administration to take bold action for our environment. Learn more about NRDC’s campaign.
Purchase toilet paper made from recycled content or alternative fibers like bamboo. You can also consider switching to a bidet to reduce your toilet paper consumption. NRDC’s Toilet Paper Sustainability Scorecard is a good guide to which brands to purchase and which to avoid. Standout brands to avoid include:
- Kimberly-Clark: Cottonelle Ultra ComfortCare, Scott 1000, and Scott ComfortPlus
- Procter & Gamble: Charmin Ultra toilet paper
- Georgia-Pacific: Angel Soft toilet paper and facial tissue, Quilted Northern toilet paper
Use reusable cloth instead of paper towels. Many, if not all, functions of a paper towel can be replaced by a washable cloth, saving paper and likely some virgin tree fiber. If recycling an old t-shirt isn't viable, you can try out some reusable paper towels instead.
Reduce paper mail, bags, and boxes. The rise of online shopping has resulted in companies individually packaging purchases that would otherwise leave brick-and-mortar shops in bags. In 2018 alone, e-commerce generated 1.3 million tons of containerboard in North America, two-thirds of which is made from virgin pulp. DS Smith, the UK’s largest cardboard box manufacturer and supplier (including Amazon), produced 17 billion boxes in 2020. Most forms of paper mail, like catalogs, are outdated and extraneous. You can make some simple lifestyle shifts to digitize basic communications and reduce paper packaging:
- Stop buying paper shopping bags. Bring your own bag instead.
- Reduce online purchases that arrive in excessive packaging.
- Avoid unnecessary printing.
- Remove your name from mailing lists by visiting DMAchoice. You can also stop credit-card promotional mailings by calling 1-888-567-8688 or visiting OutOutPrescreen.com.
- Sign up for a service that sends merchants your catalog opt-out request on your behalf, such as this one provided by Catalog Choice.
Support Indigenous rights. The Boreal forests are home to hundreds of Indigenous communities. Industrial activities such as oil and gas extraction, mining, and logging are posing the greatest threat to the environment and wildlife these communities depend on and are done mostly without their consent or participation. The promotion of Indigenous voices is critical to the preservation of Boreal forests, as Indigenous communities have developed a regenerative relationship with their land over thousands of years. You can support Indigenous rights by:
- Reading and supporting the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
- Reading the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
- Volunteering or donating to Reconciliation Canada, an Indigenous-led organization working toward the revitalization of relationships between Canadians and Indigenous communities.
- Becoming a member of the Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership, an organization of Indigenous and non-Indigenous individuals working collaboratively toward conservation models rooted in Indigenous governance, knowledge systems, and law.
Participate in ecotourism and travel to Boreal forest destinations. Ecotourism takes visitors to natural environments with the goal of supporting local conservation efforts, observing wildlife, and boosting the local economy. In Boreal forests, ecotourism provides an economical alternative to the destruction of the forest, proving more profitable per hectare than those cleared for logging operations. To ensure forests are left undisturbed by industrial activity, it is critical that governments see the economic benefits of ecotourism. Choices include:
- Sundogs Excursions (Canada)
- Wild Taiga (Finland)
- North River Kayak Tours (Canada)
- Port Hawkesbury Community Trail (Canada)
- Cape Breton Highlands National Park (Canada)
- Eskasoni Cultural Journeys (Canada)
Take a forest restoration course. Forest restoration can generate various benefits, such as increasing climate resilience, improving water and air quality, restoring wildlife habitats, and creating jobs for local communities. You can learn the different forest restoration techniques through the following courses:
- The certification program at the University of Minnesota offers training to undertake the most common kinds of forest restoration projects.
- The Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) offers a certification program for Practitioners-in-Training and experienced professionals. SER also has a Restoration Resource Center that has publications, recorded presentations, and a directory of local experts and companies that specialize in restoration.
Volunteer with a local restoration organization. Volunteering as part of a forest restoration project can be great fun and will help you support conservation efforts in the Boreal. Some of the most notable initiatives in Canada include:
- Boreal Conservation Project offers a Citizen Science Program available all across Canada. Choose your region to join the program.
- Duck Unlimited Canada offers a volunteering program to conserve water, wetlands, and wildlife in Canada’s Boreal. Join their program or donate to the DUC.
- David Suzuki Foundation offers a variety of volunteer programs, such as the Future Ground Network. Alternatively, you can sign their petitions to protect endangered species in Canada’s Boreal, such as the Caribou, here.
Publishing Companies
Commit to using recycled paper. The traditional publishing supply chain is an enormous consumer of paper and virgin pulp. However, recent figures suggest that only about 60 percent of publishers have a formal environmental policy in place or are in the midst of completing one..
Stop using paper made from virgin tree materials. Use instead other raw ingredients or materials to create alternative paper products, such as post-consumer waste, kenaf, or bamboo.
Ask to be printed on recycled paper. Several authors are including a recycled paper clause in their contracts with publishers. Speak with your publisher about printing exclusively on post-consumer recycled papers that do not contain virgin fibers.
Construction Companies
Source certified softwood lumber for buildings. Although mass timber is emerging as a viable alternative to concrete and steel buildings, the lumber must be sourced responsibly. Currently, softwood lumber makes up 20 percent of Canada’s forest product exports. Companies using such wood in the construction sector need to ensure that the wood is logged sustainably and certified as such. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is one organization that provides certification of timber products.
Eliminate deforestation from your supply chain. The use of virgin tree materials in supply chains is among the root causes of deforestation and biodiversity loss. The following initiatives and organizations can help you vet your supply chain for deforestation:
- Canopy is a nonprofit organization helping companies ensure their paper and other products are not produced by logging carbon-rich forests. You can donate or contact them.
- The Accountability Framework initiative (AFi) developed a framework that provides unified guidance on how to implement credible supply-chain commitments. Learn how to apply the framework to your supply chain.
- The Consumer Goods Forum is among the largest global industry networks developing new paths to eliminate deforestation from supply chains. Some of their corporate policies include: no clearing on carbon-rich peat lands; no use of fires for clearing; no clearing on high conservation value (HCV) areas; no clearing on high carbon stock (HCS) areas; respect for Indigenous land rights; obtaining free, prior, and informed consent from local communities before adopting and implementing measures that may affect them; production only on legal lands; no use of forced or slave labor; and a commitment to transparency regarding a company’s production practices. Become a member of their global network.
- Deforestation Free Funds is a database for investment funds ranked by sustainability (a project of Friends of the Earth).
- Ceres is a nonprofit that works with the business community, provides an investors’ guide to deforestation and climate change.
- Profundo is an NGO that analyzes commodity chains, the financial sector, and the impacts of businesses on sustainability, from human rights to deforestation and climate change, and advises clients.
Halt expansion and development of new oil sands. In 2021, the International Energy Agency stated clearly that no new expansion of fossil fuel fields or construction of coal-fired power stations can take place if the world is to stay on target for net-zero emissions by 2050. To ensure a regenerative future and uphold Indigenous land rights, companies must stop strip-mining and drilling tar sand deposits and prevent the building of any further infrastructure, such as pipelines, terminals, and power plants that require further extraction.
Get consent from Indigenous groups and First Nations. Consulting Indigenous peoples prior to the start of a project is critical to the ongoing health of the Boreal and respecting Indigenous rights to self-determination. Secure free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC) from Indigenous peoples before operating on their lands. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) also offers an online course on how to carefully consider and engage with local communities while developing a project.
Include natural capital and ecosystem services in business plans. An economic case for land protection and restoration can be made based on the value of nature and the ecosystem service it provides.
- ReGen’s regenerative investment model provides a scalable, open-source framework that protects and restores natural capital at scale.
- Global Canopy is a market-based initiative to provide financial institutions and corporations with data on environmental opportunities.
Limit extractive permits. Oil and mining companies require the approval of several levels of government to get new projects up and running. By involving local authorities, Indigenous peoples, and nongovernmental organizations in the process, governments can better assess the environmental and social impact of these projects and reject or limit extractive permits when necessary. For example, MiningWatch Canada is working to change the laws and policies that enable destructive mining practices, but the Canadian government restricts the advocacy work that such charities are allowed to undertake.
Reclassify logging concessions. Reclassifying logging concessions, the areas dedicated to logging operations can help generate income and employment while making it easier to gain political support for conservation. For example, a logging concession may be declassified if it is found to have a significant richness in its biodiversity or a high heritage value or if it is subject to substantial environmental risks.
Switch from “land-use planning” to “land-relationship planning.” Land-use planning is a traditional term used in land management whereby parts of a national territory are exploited to support economic needs. A more innovative, holistic approach described as land-relationship planning, which focuses on the relationship between humans and the natural environment, can provide more inclusive and sustainable land management strategies. The creation of the Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve is a leading example of this approach.
Implement active fire ecology. Fire ecology is a branch of ecology focusing on the origins and causes of wildfires, as well as their relationship to both living and nonliving environments that surround them. The main goal of active fire ecology is to improve public education, shift the fire-suppression mentality, and introduce the public to the benefits of regular wildfires. For example, the Firefighters United for Safety, Ethics and Ecology (FUSEE) support an innovative approach to working with fire in order to protect rural communities, restore fire-adapted ecosystems, and preserve fire-dependent species. You can donate here to support their work, and see Fire Ecology Nexus to learn more.
Restore degraded forest areas in consultation with Indigenous groups. Forest restoration can help reverse the effects of deforestation and degradation and regain the social, ecological, and economic benefits of forests. Practices that restore degraded land include planting trees as part of agroforestry, regenerative agriculture, and reforestation. Here you can find an Atlas of Forest and Landscape Restoration Opportunities. Visit the Degraded Land Restoration Nexus page to learn more.
Support research into boreal mitigation and adaptation strategies. Key knowledge gaps exist in the analysis of trade-offs between activities aimed at increasing carbon storage in the ecosystem, increasing carbon storage in harvested wood products or increasing the substitution benefits of using wood in place of fossil fuels. There is also a need to anticipate and prepare for the multifaceted consequences of climate change for boreal forests.
Bad Actors
Procter & Gamble is driving the devastation of Boreal forests to produce Charmin, one of the world’s major toilet paper brands, made out of 100 percent virgin forest fiber. In their Issue with Tissue report in 2019, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) called out Procter & Gamble for accelerating the devastation of Boreal forests and threatening species' habitats. Procter & Gamble’s CEO is David S. Taylor. His email is taylor.ds@pg.com. His phone is 1-513-983-1100.
Resolute Forest Products is one of the largest logging companies in North America, and their logging activities span 50 million acres of public lands in Canada’s Boreal forests. The company has taken an aggressive posture toward the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and filed lawsuits against public interest groups aiming to call them out on their logging practices. Resolute Forest Products’ CEO is Remi G. Lalonde. His email is remi.lalonde@resolutefp.com. His phone is 1-514-875-2160.
Georgia-Pacific relies on 100 percent virgin fiber to produce Quilted Northern EcoComfort, their luxury toilet paper brand. While the company claims that they are committed to sustainable forestry, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has called them out on their logging activities in Canada’s old-growth Boreal forest. Georgia-Pacific’s CEO is Christian Fischer. His email is cfischer@gapac.com. His phone is 1-404-652-4000.
Kimberly-Clark is the largest manufacturer of paper products, purchasing millions of metric tons of virgin fiber from logging companies annually. Since Greenpeace launched the Kleercut Campaign (2004–2009), which claimed that the company supports the clearcutting of Boreal forests in Canada and the United States, Kimberly-Clark adopted new procurement policies in accordance with the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) standards. They currently source the majority of their pulp from Sustainable Forest Initiative (SFI) and Canadian Standards Association (CSA) certified logging operations. Although this shows great progress toward sustainability, Kimberly-Clark can still do a lot more to show true environmental leadership, including stepping up its commitment to protecting the rights of the communities impacted by its tissue supply chains. The company stops short of requiring their suppliers to secure free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC) from Indigenous peoples before operating on their lands. Kimberly-Clark’s CEO is Michael D. Hsu. His email is michael.hsu@kcc.com. His phone is 1-972-281-1200.
Paper Excellence is about to acquire Domtar, one of the world’s largest pulp and paper producers. Environmentalists say this represents a major threat to the Boreal forests, as Paper Excellence has a long track record of deforestation and destruction of wildlife habitats in Indonesia through its parent company APP Group. If the acquisition goes through, Paper Excellence will become the largest pulp producer in Canada. Paper Excellence’s CEO is Brian Baarda, and you can contact the company through their website.
Forest Products Association of Canada is an industry trade group that represents wood, pulp, and paper producers and has spoken against Californian legislation that guarantees free, prior, and informed consent from Indigenous communities and does not contribute to the deforestation of intact boreal forests. Derek Nighbör is the president and CEO. He can be contacted on X.
Premier of Ontario Doug Ford intends to develop Ontario’s northern Boreal forests for extractive industries, with or without local Indigenous consent. He has withdrawn from agreements to limit extractive industries in the far north and the regional framework agreement with First Nations. His email is premier@ontario.ca. His phone is 416-325-1941.
Premier of Alberta Jason Kenney distinguishes open-pit mining from mountain removal only if over 90 percent of the mountaintop is removed. Such a definition is absurd. A newly released Government of Alberta map also confirms long-term plans for substantial logging within at-risk caribou ranges. His email is premier@gov.ab.ca; his phone is 780-427-2251.
Key Players
Communities leading Boreal regeneration efforts
Ducks Unlimited Canada is making conservation progress in Canada’s boreal forest by positively influencing 121 million acres (48 million hectares) of habitat to date.
Snowchange Cooperative (Findland) is running a far-reaching ecological restoration programme building on living traditional knowledge in North Karelia as well as in other Finnish regions.
Campaigns and Movements
Greenpeace USA launched the Kleercut Campaign to raise awareness about the devastating impact of luxury toilet paper production on Boreal forests. As a result, in 2009, Kimberly-Clark agreed to increase its use of recycled fiber, use Forest Stewardship Council-certified wood, and stop purchasing pulp from the Kenogami and Ogoki Forests in northern Ontario.
Non-Profit Organizations supporting Boreal conservation
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) supports efforts to save critical ecosystems, like Canada’s boreal, and sacred places like New Mexico’s Greater Chaco Region and Chile’s Atacama Plateau, from unsustainable exploitation for timber, fossil fuels, lithium, and other resources.
WWF Global Arctic Programme in Russia has a vision for a well-managed, biodiverse, and resilient Arctic, supporting healthy viable populations of wild species and benefiting the well-being of people in the Arctic and beyond.
Canopy's mission is to protect the world’s forests, species, and climate, and to help advance Indigenous communities’ rights. With the help of supporters and conservation allies, Canopy has played pivotal roles in securing large-scale conservation gains in 39 million acres of Ancient and Endangered Forests in Indonesia, Canada’s Boreal Forest, and North America’s Temperate Rainforests.
Research Groups Studying the Boreal
Boreal Forest Plant and Seed Technology Access Centre (TAC) (Canada) provides scientific findings, practical methods, technologies and services to advance the capacity of industry to use native plants to lessen the environmental footprint in the boreal forest.
MiningWatch Canada works toward a world in which Indigenous peoples can effectively exercise their rights to self-determination, communities must consent before any mining activities may occur, and mineworkers and local habitat are protected.
Canary Research Institute for Mining, Environment, and Health (Canada) promotes the advancement of education and the reduction of poverty in Canada and elsewhere relating to and resulting from the impacts of mineral development on the physical, cultural, social and emotional health of humans and human communities, and on the health of terrestrial and aquatic environments, including the Boreal forests.
Inside One Couple’s Quest to Protect Canada’s Boreal Forest by Pew (6 mins.)
Nature’s Ticking Time Bomb? by CNN
Edéhzhíe | Indigenous Protected Area Profiles by Boreal Conservation (2 mins.)
Bring Back the Boreal: A Story about Cape Breton Highlands National Park by Parks Canada (3 mins.)
DU Conserve: The Boreal Forest by Ducks Unlimited (10 mins.)
How BIG Is Canada's Boreal Forest? by Boreal Conservation (1 min.)
How the Boreal Forest Can Help Rescue the Planet by Boreal Conservation (3 mins.)
Tribal Parks and Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas by The David Suzuki Foundation (3 mins.)
America—and the Planet—Doesn’t Need This Dirty Oil by NRDC (2 mins.)
First Nations and the Ring of Fire by CBC News (13 mins.)
"The Issue with Tissue 2.0" by Shelley Vinyard / NRDC
Canadian Boreal Forest Conservation Framework by Boreal Leadership Council
Deforestation in Canada: Key Myths and Facts by Government of Canada
How Can We Protect Critical Caribou Habitat and Support Forestry Jobs in Ontario? by The David Suzuki Foundation and Partners
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