Get Involved

Adapt Nexus Locally
The Nexus action database will soon be available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. If you’re interested in using Nexus under this license, we would love to speak with you to better understand how we can support your efforts.

Contribute as a Nexus Editor
We are opening up the direct editing of published Nexus articles to members of the public. If you want to help us maintain Nexus as a resource for the world to use in advancing and accelerating pathways that regenerate our planet, click the button below.

Work with Project Regeneration
Are you interested in employment with Project Regeneration? We are not hiring at the moment, but we would love to have your information for when the time comes.
General Inquiries
For all other requests, questions, comments, and suggestions, please reach out to us any time! Please note we cannot fund projects or connect you with people who can.